#deforestación, acción climática, ACV, agroindustrialwaste, Alejandro Deville, Amazonía Peruana, Bamboo project, biomaterials, Cadena de valor alimenticia, CalCafé, Cambio climático, Circular Economy, CiudadesConFuturo, ComprometidosSiempre, Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon, Contaminación ambiental, Deep Water Horizon, DesastreEcológico, DFI, Dialoguemos, Ecología Industrial, economía circular, Ecosistemas marinos, ENCC2050, energías renovables, EuropeanUnion, Exxon Valdez, generador gravimétrico, gestión de residuos, Grupos de Investigación, huella ambiental, IAS, Industria pesquera, Industrial Ecology, Innovación, JobOpening, Karen Biberos-Bendezú, Kurt Ziegler-Rodriguez, LaPampilla DesastreEcológico DerrameEnVentanilla, Madre de Dios, Margarinas, MasterenIngenieríaAmbiental, Material Flow Analysis, Materiales de construcción, MINAM, MSc, Naturaleza, NuncaMáis, ODS, Oil Spill, OilSpill, OnePlanetNetwork, Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales, PNUMA, Pretigue, preveniramazonia, PUCP, R, Rainforest project, ránking, Reto de Innovación Ambiental, Reuters, SIG, Sistemas agroforestales, Solid waste, Sostenible, SUM2022, Sustainable Systems and Technology, Sustentable, Unión Europea, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Urban Mining, Urbanismo, VRI
Interview with Ian Vázquez-Rowe and Ramzy Kahhat. Associate professors of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. As a result of the adverse climatic episode suffered by the Peruvian coast at…
Photo: Anders Damgaard, principal investigator of the DTU and organizer of the course (left) along with Kurt Ziegler (right) after receiving the award for the best poster. In the week of June 12 to 16,…
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Between June 26 and 29, 2017, the conference "International Society for Industrial Ecology" was held in Chicago, USA, with the participation of Professor Ian Vázquez, CONCYTEC scholarship students José…