
Presentation PELCAN

The Peruvian Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Network - PELCAN - is a research network, from the  Industrial Engineering Department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, specialized in environmental impacts. The PELCAN seeks to make a real difference through research on environmental issues and sustainable development, in order to create opportunities of improvement and provide objective information for decision-making to reduce the impact on the environment. The PELCAN was born in November 2005 as part of the Life Cycle Initiative created by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).


The Peruvian Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Network has three objectives:
  • Disseminate the application and utility of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool
  • Generate exchanges of experiences and articulate with other national and international networks in ACV
  • Contribute with information to create Peruvian databases of Life Cycle inventories
The Peruvian Life CycleNetwork is a group of professionals and individuals from different fields who share a strong interest in contributing to the society and the environment through life-cycle thinking.
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