#deforestación, acción climática, ACV, agroindustrialwaste, Alejandro Deville, Amazonía Peruana, Bamboo project, biomaterials, Cadena de valor alimenticia, CalCafé, Cambio climático, Circular Economy, CiudadesConFuturo, ComprometidosSiempre, Conservation in the Peruvian Amazon, Contaminación ambiental, Deep Water Horizon, DesastreEcológico, DFI, Dialoguemos, Ecología Industrial, economía circular, Ecosistemas marinos, ENCC2050, energías renovables, EuropeanUnion, Exxon Valdez, generador gravimétrico, gestión de residuos, Grupos de Investigación, huella ambiental, IAS, Industria pesquera, Industrial Ecology, Innovación, JobOpening, Karen Biberos-Bendezú, Kurt Ziegler-Rodriguez, LaPampilla DesastreEcológico DerrameEnVentanilla, Madre de Dios, Margarinas, MasterenIngenieríaAmbiental, Material Flow Analysis, Materiales de construcción, MINAM, MSc, Naturaleza, NuncaMáis, ODS, Oil Spill, OilSpill, OnePlanetNetwork, Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales, PNUMA, Pretigue, preveniramazonia, PUCP, R, Rainforest project, ránking, Reto de Innovación Ambiental, Reuters, SIG, Sistemas agroforestales, Solid waste, Sostenible, SUM2022, Sustainable Systems and Technology, Sustentable, Unión Europea, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Urban Mining, Urbanismo, VRI
On Thursday, March 15, 2018, it has developed the talk "What are the most sustainable techniques in the canned anchovy industry? Giving a solution under a life cycle approach "having Dr. Maria Margallo…
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On March 8 and 9, 2018, three members of the Peruvian Life Cycle and Industrial Ecology Network of the Engineering Department of the PUCP traveled to Loreto to present the results of the sub-project for…
The organizing committee of LCIC 2018 has appointed Professor Ian Vázquez to be part of the scientific committee of the "Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2018", which will be held in Berlin on August…
On March 8, 2018, the results of the sanitary landfill in Nauta - Loreto will be presented, entitled: "Mitigation of greenhouse gases in the Nauta landfill", in the auditorium of the Cityhall of Loreto…