
MINAM launches cartographic system

Written by Peruvian Life Cycle Network

It is a mechanism for dissemination and exchange of geospatial information that is made available to professionals, government sectors, regional governments, local governments and civil society in general; so that through the internet they can access relevant information on the territorial and environmental situation of the country in a transparent and up-to-date manner.

The Geoservidor s developed in the General Directorate Territories (DGOT), with the help of the Geographic Information System team of the Ministry of the Environment-SIGMINAM. Among its services are:

Maps – you can download the maps designed by SIGMINAM.

Interactive Maps – database consultation and interactive printing of maps

Data Exchange – for the exchange of data in vector and raster format with authorized institutions.

Metadata Catalog – search of maps and documents within the framework of the IDEP.

Documentation – to consult and download documents, manuals and guides in general.

Specialized Forum – for the team of specialists of SIGMINAM to attend online consultations.

For more information go to the following link: GEOSERVIDOR:

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