Presentación PELCAN
Pensamiento Ciclo de Vida
Herramientas de Gestión empleadas
Equipo investigador
Colaboradores y Aliados
Apoyo al sector privado
Apoyo al sector público
Proyectos de investigación
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Boletines y documentos
Enlaces relacionados
Presentación PELCAN
Pensamiento Ciclo de Vida
Herramientas de Gestión empleadas
Equipo investigador
Colaboradores y Aliados
Apoyo al sector privado
Apoyo al sector público
Proyectos de investigación
Base de datos
Boletines y documentos
Enlaces relacionados
Equipo Investigador
Ian Vázquez Rowe
Proyectos en los que ha participado
Análisis del Ciclo de Vida del chocolate de Machu Picchu Foods.
Estimando los impactos ambientales de la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (INDNR) en la Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE) de Perú mediante el uso combinado de la evaluación del ciclo de vida y los sistemas de identificación automática.
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la expansión de la minería informal en la Amazonía peruana
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales “TABOADA”
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la Quinua Orgánica
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida del café orgánico peruano fase I
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida del Envase para Coca Cola sabor original
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida del paiche peruano
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida del Pisco peruano «Eco-Pisco»
Análisis de los impactos ambientales derivados de la construcción de infraestructuras viales en una zona de amortiguamiento en la provincia de Manu, Madre de Dios – Proyecto Boca Manu
Análisis del ciclo de vida de cemento (convencional y adicionado) y concreto – Consultoría
Análisis del sector de transporte para establecer estrategias de descarbonización en las ciudades peruanas
Aplicación del concepto de economía circular al ciclo urbano del agua en la ciudad de Lima: mitigación de impactos ambientales y de vulnerabilidad hídrica
Calculadora para la Huella Ambiental del Café Peruano
Capacitación a organizaciones cafetaleras peruanas mediante el uso de la herramienta CalCafé
Capacitación empresarial y guía de procedimiento para el cálculo del impacto ambiental que se genera en el sector Agroexportador de espárragos de la región Ica
Capacitación en ACV e ICV en Perú y Colombia, en el marco de las Industrias de Reciclaje Sostenible (SRI)
Capacitaciones a cooperativas de castaña para piloto de medición de Huella de Carbono, Hídrica y construcción de perfiles digitales a través de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC)
Diagnóstico sobre el estado de desarrollo tecnólogico y su impacto ambiental en el proceso de post-cosecha de trucha en Puno y Ancash
DIET-PERU: Evaluando el impacto de COVID-19 en el vínculo entre el medio ambiente, la economía, la nutrición, los patrones dietéticos y la gestión de pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos en PERÚ.
Estudio de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la producción y puesta en el mercado de la línea de producción de margarina en la empresa ALICORP
Estudio de Huella de Carbono para CENCOSUD
Evaluación ambiental de compras públicas del sector maderero: muebles y papel
Evaluación ambiental de productos agrícolas en el Perú a través de la metodología análisis de ciclo de vida «ECOAGRO»
NEPTUNUS Project: Water-Energy-Seafood Nexus: Eco-innovation and circular economy strategies in the Atlantic area
Proyecto Huella de Carbono PUCP
Proyecto IKI PNUMA – Avanzando y midiendo consumo y producción sostenible para una economía baja en carbono en economías de ingresos medios y nuevos países industrializados (Advance SCP)
Proyecto IKI PNUMA – Avanzando y midiendo consumo y producción sostenible para una economía baja en carbono en economías de ingresos medios y nuevos países industrializados (Advance SCP) PARTE II
Proyecto IKI PNUMA – Avanzando y midiendo consumo y producción sostenible para una economía baja en carbono en economías de ingresos medios y nuevos países industrializados (Advance SCP) PARTE III
Recopilación de datos en ICV, creación de conjuntos de datos y la presentación de conjuntos de datos en ICV relacionados con la industria pesquera, en el marco de las Industrias de Reciclaje Sostenible (SRI)
Reducción del impacto ambiental de la Canasta Básica Alimentaria (CBA) en el Perú – Proyecto WALAYA
Reduciendo los impactos de los residuos plásticos en el Océano Pacifico Oriental
Sembrando en tejados – Seguridad Alimentaria
Servicio de Análisis, Medición y Gestión Corporativa del Agua bajo la metodología de la Huella Hídrica en la cadena de valor del Espárrago de la Región Ica
Servicio de análisis, medición, interpretación y gestión corporativa del recurso hídrico bajo la metodología de la huella de agua en la cadena de valor de la palta de exportación de la región La Libertad
Servicio de asistencia técnica empresarial en fortalecimiento de capacidades y en la construcción de inventarios bajo la metodología de la huella de agua en la cadena de valor de la palta de agroexportación de la región La Libertad
Software para Cálculo de Huella de Carbono y Tasa de Retorno Energética para productos pesqueros en Perú «PescaEnVerde Perú»
Valorización de biomasa residual para materiales 3D avanzados (ValBio3D)
Fishing Industry. Wild capture and seafood processing
How much plastic do we throw into the sea? Developing a methodology for mapping and quantifying marine plastics in Peru
A fine kettle of fish: the fishing industry and environmental impacts
A framework for the assessment of marine litter impacts in life cycle impact assessment
A machine learning approach to understand how accessibility influences alluvial gold mining expansion in the Peruvian Amazon
A Method to Include Life Cycle Assessment Results in Choosing by Advantage (CBA) Multicriteria Decision Analysis. A Case Study for Seismic Retrofit in Peruvian Primary Schools
Applying the multi-dimensional damage assessment (MDDA) methodology to the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in La Palma (Spain)
Are Peruvians moving toward healthier diets with lower environmental burden?
Assessing Energy and Environmental Efficiency of the Spanish Agri-Food System Using the LCA/DEA Methodology
AWARE characterization factors in Peru encompassing El Niño and climate change events: does increased water availability guarantee less water scarcity?
Book of Proceedings LCA Foods 2022
Climate action and food security: Strategies to reduce GHG emissions from food loss and waste in emerging economies
Combined application of Life Cycle Assessment and linear programming to evaluate food waste-to-food strategies: Seeking for answers in the nexus approach
Developing a methodology to quantify mismanaged plastic waste entering the ocean in coastal countries
District-level analysis for household-related energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions: A case study in Lima, Peru
Enhancing waste management strategies in Latin America under a holistic environmental assessment perspective: A review for policy support
Environmental footprint of critical agro-export products in the Peruvian hyper-arid coast: A case study for green asparagus and avocado
Environmental impacts of the life cycle of alluvial gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest
Environmental Performance of Peruvian Waste Management Systems under a Life Cycle Approach
Estimating carbon and plastic emissions of seafood products in trade routes between the European Union and South America
Exploring machine learning techniques to predict deforestation to enhance the decision-making of road construction projects
First series of seafood datasets in ecoinvent: setting the pace for future development
Food loss and waste metrics: a proposed nutritional cost footprint linking linear programming and life cycle assessment
Food Loss and Waste: Not All Food Waste Is Created Equal
Identifying current trends in the environmental impacts linked to fishmeal and fish oil production in Peru
Identifying environmental impacts linked to the production of plant-based spreads in Peru using life cycle assessment
Integrating microplastic management into a broader wastewater decision-making framework. Is activated granular sludge (AGS) a game changer?
Integration of environment and nutrition in life cycle assessment of food items: opportunities and challenges
Introducing environmental decision-making criteria to foster Green Public Procurement in Peru
Knowledge gaps and future research priorities linked to microplastic abundance and occurrence in Peruvian fisheries and seafood products
Life cycle assessment of run-of-river hydropower plants in the Peruvian Andes: a policy support perspective
Marine plastics in LCA: current status and MarILCA’s contributions
Multi-dimensional damage assessment (MDDA): A case study of El Niño flood disasters in Peru
Multi-Objective Optimization of Nutritional, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Diets Applied to the Spanish Context
Nutritional data management of food losses and waste under a life cycle approach: Case study of the Spanish agri-food system
Ocean-based sources of plastic pollution: An overview of the main marine activities in the Peruvian EEZ
On the estimation of potential food waste reduction to support sustainable production and consumption policies
Optimization of the environmental performance of food diets in Peru combining linear programming and life cycle methods
Perú LCA: launching the Peruvian national life cycle database
Peru’s road to climate action: Are we on the right path? The role of life cycle methods to improve Peruvian national contributions
Peruvian efforts to contain COVID-19 fail to protect vulnerable population groups
Potential formation of PCDD/Fs in triclosan wastewater treatment: An overall toxicity assessment under a life cycle approach
Prevalence of microplastics in the ocean in Latin America and the Caribbean
Production of cement in Peru: Understanding carbon-related environmental impacts and their policy implications
Regionalizing eco-toxicity characterization factors for copper soil emissions considering edaphic information for Northern Spain and Portuguese vineyards
Reviewing the influence of sociocultural, environmental and economic variables to forecast municipal solid waste (MSW) generation
Towards a Sustainable Agri-Food System by an Energetic and Environmental Efficiency Assessment
Unveiling the energy consumption-food waste nexus in households: A focus on key predictors of food waste generation
Water Footprint Assessment of Food Loss and Waste Management Strategies in Spanish Regions
Accounting for time-dependent changes in GHG emissions in the Ribeiro appellation (NW Spain): Are land use changes an important driver?
Application of three independent consequential LCA approaches to the agricultural sector in Luxembourg
Applying the Technology Choice Model in Consequential Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study in the Peruvian Agricultural Sector
Assessing the magnitude of potential environmental impacts related to water and toxicity in the Peruvian hyper-arid coast: A case study for the cultivation of grapes for pisco production
Assessing water footprint in a wine appellation: A case study for Ribeiro in Galicia, Spain
Benchmarking wastewater treatment plants under an eco-efficiency perspective
Carbon footprint analysis of goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) collection on the Galician coast (NW Spain)
Carbon footprint of anaerobic digestion combined with ultrasonic post-treatment of agro-industrial organic residues
Carbon footprint of pomegranate (Punica granatum) cultivation in a hyper-arid region in coastal Peru
Climate change mitigation opportunities based on carbon footprint estimates of dietary patterns in Peru
Closing the gap in the municipal solid waste management between metropolitan and regional cities from developing countries: A life cycle assessment approach
Combined application of life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis as a methodological approach for the assessment of fisheries
Combining operational research and Life Cycle Assessment to optimize municipal solid waste collection in a district in Lima (Peru)
Comparative life cycle assessment in the wine sector: biodynamic vs. conventional viticulture activities in NW Spain
Comparative life cycle assessment study of three winter wheat production systems in the European Union
Cross-vessel eco-efficiency analysis. A case study for purse seining fishing from North Portugal targeting European pilchard
Dynamic environmental efficiency assessment for wastewater treatment plants
Eco-efficiency analysis of Spanish WWTPs using the LCA + DEA method
Eco-efficiency assessment of the Peruvian anchoveta steel and wooden fleets using the LCA+DEA framework
Edible Protein Energy Return on Investment Ratio (ep-EROI) for Spanish Seafood Products
Environmental and nutritional impacts of dietary changes in Spain during the COVID-19 lockdown
Environmental assessment of frozen common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) captured by Spanish fishing vessels in the Mauritanian EEZ
Environmental assessment of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) season in the Basque Country. Increasing the timeline delimitation in fishery LCA studies
Environmental impact assessment of beef cattle production in semi-intensive systems in Paraguay
Environmental impacts of a highly congested section of the Pan-American highway in Peru using life cycle assessment
Environmental impacts of introducing cable cars in the Andean landscape: A case study for Kuelap, Peru
Environmental profile of green asparagus production in a hyper-arid zone in coastal Perú.
Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using Life Cycle Assessment
Finding an economic and environmental balance in value chains based on circular economy thinking: An eco-efficiency methodology applied to the fish canning industry
Food waste management during the COVID-19 outbreak: a holistic climate, economic and nutritional approach
Further potentials in the joint implementation of life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis
Incorporating linear programing and life cycle thinking into environmental sustainability decision-making: a case study on anchovy canning industry
Introducing a Degrowth Approach to the Circular Economy Policies of Food Production, and Food Loss and Waste Management: Towards a Circular Bioeconomy
Introducing the Green Protein Footprint method as an understandable measure of the environmental cost of anchovy consumption
Is climate change centrism an optimal policy making strategy to set national electricity mixes?
Joint life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis of grape production for vinification in the Rías Baixas appellation (NW Spain)
Life cycle assessment of bagasse fiber reinforced biocomposites
Life cycle assessment of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landed by purse seine vessels in northern Spain
Life cycle assessment of fish and seafood processed products – A review of methodologies and new challenges
Life Cycle Assessment of fresh hake fillets captured by the Galician fleet in the Northern Stock
Life cycle assessment of heat production from grape marc pellets
Life cycle assessment of horse mackerel fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain): Comparative analysis of two major fishing methods
Life cycle assessment of the construction of an unpaved road in an undisturbed tropical rainforest area in the vicinity of Manu National Park, Perú
Life Cycle Assessment of the production of pisco in Perú.
Low-carbon electricity production through the implementation of photovoltaic panels in rooftops in urban environments: A case study for three cities in Peru
Microplastics in Coastal Aquaculture Systems: Development of Regulatory Frameworks, Practices and Mitigation Efforts in APEC Economies
Microplastics in fisheries and aquaculture: implications to food sustainability and safety
Natural disasters and climate change call for the urgent decentralization of urban water systems
Opportunities and challenges of implementing life cycle assessment in seafood certification: a case study for Spain
Organic quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa L.) production in Peru: Environmental hotspots and food security considerations using Life Cycle Assessment
Preface – The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 22
Regionalized Strategies for Food Loss and Waste Management in Spain under a Life Cycle Thinking Approach
Reviewing environmental life cycle impacts of biobased polymers: current trends and methodological challenges
Revisiting the LCA+DEA method in fishing fleets. How should we be measuring efficiency?
The importance of using life cycle assessment in policy support to determine the sustainability of fishing fleets: a case study for the small-scale xeito fishery in Galicia, Spain
The threat of road expansion in the Peruvian Amazon
The use of a consequential perspective to upgrade the utility of Life Cycle Assessment for fishery managers and policy makers
The Use of Carbon Footprint in the Wine Sector: Methodological Assumptions
Towards improved practices in Life Cycle Assessment of seafood and other aquatic products
Transitioning from open dumpsters to landfilling in Peru: Environmental benefits and challenges from a life-cycle perspective
Transparency-based protocol for decision-making regarding seismic rehabilitation projects of public buildings
Wastewater treatment decentralization: Is this the right direction for megacities in the global south?
Water-related challenges in nexus governance for sustainable development: Insights from the city of Arequipa, Peru
When plastic packaging should be preferred: Life cycle analysis of packages for fruit and vegetable distribution in the Spanish peninsular market
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