

(Español) Urbanizaciones sostenibles: descentralización del tratamiento de aguas residuales residenciales

Author(s): Luis Arce Jáuregui

(Español) Asesor: Ramzy Kahhat Tesis para optar el título de Licenciado en Ingeniería Civil

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Materials flow analysis of e-waste: Domestic flows and exports of used computers from the United States

Author(s): Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

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Life Cycle Assessment Based Evaluation of Regional Impacts from Agricultural Production at the Peruvian Coast

Author(s): Karin Bartl y otros

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Inclusion of discard assessment indicators in fisheries life cycle assessment studies. Expanding the use of fishery-specific impact categories

Author(s): Red Peruana Ciclo de Vida y otros

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Joint life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis of grape production for vinification in the Rías Baixas appellation (NW Spain)

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Modeling the Local Biodiversity Impacts of Agricultural Water Use: Case Study of a Wetland in the Coastal Arid Area of Perú

Author(s): Karin Bartl y otros

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Environmental assessment of frozen common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) captured by Spanish fishing vessels in the Mauritanian EEZ

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Life cycle assessment of milk produced in two smallholder dairy systems in the highlands and the coast of Perú

Author(s): Karin Bartl y otros

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