
Research projects

Software for Calculation of Carbon Footprint and Energy Return Rate for fishery products in Peru “PescaEnVerde Perú”

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Life Cycle Assessment of the wastewater treatment plant “TABOADA”

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Environmental evaluation of agricultural products in Peru through the Life Cycle Assessment methodology “ECOAGRO”

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Capacity Building in Life Cycle Management, LCA Databases and Environmental Footprints

The project aims to develop capacities in the participants for the quantification of environmental Footprints, Life Cycle management and Life Cycle databases in the Latin American region. Training sessions…

Integrating resource efficiency in international supply chains – enabling companies and consumers to benefit from information on life cycle environmental performance of products

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Evaluation of the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis in Villa El Salvador

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Diagnosis of Databases for Environmental Assessment Studies in Peru focused on Life Cycle Assessment

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Life Cycle Assessment of bricks and concrete blocks produced in San Jerónimo – Cusco

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