

Environmental impacts of a highly congested section of the Pan-American highway in Peru using life cycle assessment

Autor(es): Daniel Verán Leigh, Gustavo Larrea Gallegos, Ian Vázquez Rowe

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Production of cement in Peru: Understanding carbon-related environmental impacts and their policy implications

Autor(es): Ian Vázquez Rowe, Kurt Ziegler Rodríguez, Isabel Quispe Trinidad, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

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Assessing Energy and Environmental Efficiency of the Spanish Agri-Food System Using the LCA/DEA Methodology

Autor(es): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Electronic waste after a Digital TV transition: material flows and stocks

Autor(es): Marco Gusukuma Higa, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo

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Applying the Technology Choice Model in Consequential Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study in the Peruvian Agricultural Sector

Autor(es): Gustavo Larrea Gallegos, Ian Vázquez Rowe, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

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On the estimation of potential food waste reduction to support sustainable production and consumption policies

Autor(es): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Combined application of Life Cycle Assessment and linear programming to evaluate food waste-to-food strategies: Seeking for answers in the nexus approach

Autor(es): Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo, Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

En colaboración con la Universidad de Cantabria.

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Environmental Performance of Peruvian Waste Management Systems under a Life Cycle Approach

Autor(es): Kurt Ziegler Rodríguez, Ian Vázquez Rowe, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

Publicación correspondiente al Proyecto IKI PNUMA

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