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(Español) Descarga libre de boletines PELCAN, artículos científicos, reportes y otras descargas de ayuda.

(Español) Boletín informativo PELCAN N°1: actividades de enero a julio 2020

(Español) Boletín informativo PELCAN N°2: actividades de agosto a diciembre 2020

(Español) Food Loss and Waste: Not All Food Waste Is Created Equal

(Español) Peruvian efforts to contain COVID-19 fail to protect vulnerable population groups

Assessing Energy and Environmental Efficiency of the Spanish Agri-Food System Using the LCA/DEA Methodology

Biocomposites of Bio-Polyethylene Reinforced with a Hydrothermal-Alkaline Sugarcane Bagasse Pulp and Coupled with a Bio-Based Compatibilizer

Informe entrevistas y taller Arequipa – Universidad de Cranfield FINAL

Life Cycle Inventories of Wild Capture and Aquaculture

Multi-Objective Optimization of Nutritional, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Diets Applied to the Spanish Context

Regionalized Strategies for Food Loss and Waste Management in Spain under a Life Cycle Thinking Approach