

The importance of using life cycle assessment in policy support to determine the sustainability of fishing fleets: a case study for the small-scale xeito fishery in Galicia, Spain

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Natural disasters and climate change call for the urgent decentralization of urban water systems

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

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The threat of road expansion in the Peruvian Amazon

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe, Gustavo Larrea Gallegos y otros

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(Español) Estudio de casos : análisis de los factores externos e internos que permiten la innovación ambiental en empresas peruanas del sector manufactura

Author(s): Margaret Chávez Castillo

(Español) Asesora: Isabel Quispe
Tesis de Maestría en Gestión y Política de la Innovación y la Tecnología

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Life cycle assessment of the construction of an unpaved road in an undisturbed tropical rainforest area in the vicinity of Manu National Park, Perú

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe, Gustavo Larrea Gallegos y otros

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Life cycle assessment of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landed by purse seine vessels in northern Spain

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe y otros

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Assessing the magnitude of potential environmental impacts related to water and toxicity in the Peruvian hyper-arid coast: A case study for the cultivation of grapes for pisco production

Author(s): Ian Vázquez Rowe, Renato Torres García, Gustavo Larrea Gallegos, Isabel Quispe Trinidad, Ramzy Kahhat Abedrabbo y otros

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(Español) Evaluación ambiental de un tramo específico de la autopista Panamericana Sur, usando la metodología de análisis de ciclo de vida

Author(s): Daniel Verán Leigh

(Español) Asesor: Ian Vázquez
Tesis para optar el título de Licenciado en Ingeniería Civil

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